Friday, August 26, 2005

Invitation Wording For Guest To Pay

visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: Sibiu excerpt from the newspaper of 29th April 2005

Auszug aus der Zeitung Hermannstädter we 29.April 2005:

beschnuppern Schüler ihr Nachbarland. Austausch mit
bulgarischen positive Gastschülern Eindrücke hinterlassen hat (....)

The exchange should not be a tourist trip, but constitute a real work week. (...)

"We want our students to know their neighbors and not only France, Italy and Germany", presented Gerold Hermann, director of the Brukenthalschule the occasion of the exchange. Talk to the young people from two schools in the EU accession countries were in German. Sense of project work carried out was that the students independently research a topic in preparation for studying, evaluating, and finally present. That's not easy, was a shaky hands showed during the presentations, the young Speakers, however, have argued for the most part very confident and convincing.


"I'm thrilled with how well the students work together," enthused the Bulgarian teacher Vesela Hristova .


The students completed not only the "mandatory program, but they spent every free minute together. Of these, the Romanian Zehntklässlerin Diana Craciun is thrilled. "At first we stood against us with skepticism, but now we can laugh at the same jokes and talk about serious and personal issues," she recalls. Most partners want to exchange e-mail to stay in touch.

For the students of both countries, it was surprising to note how many similarities, the Romanian and Bulgarian culture, and how little they knew each other previously. Maybe they can take guests some new experiences to Bulgaria. One student said that she was in Sibiu for the first time in a Catholic church and that there really very impressed. Martina Milkova, the Bulgarian partner of Diana will always remain in mind that stop in Romania, the car at the crosswalk. (...) To learn

Letter Proof Of Community

visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: report of the General German newspaper, 28.04.2005

know your neighbors.
exchange between students from Romania and Bulgaria

Sibiu - "In Bulgaria there is a red - white spring good luck charm, he is called 'Martenitza,'" says German teacher Sybille Schabanska, currently in Burgas (Bulgaria) at the "Goethe-Gymnasium" teach- Tet. They stayed together with two other teachers of the Bulgarian school and a group of 31 students from Burgas in Sibiu. The occasion was the second stage of an exchange, between the 10th class of students Brukenthalgymnasiums and the "Goethe-Gymnasium" of 17-23. April was held in Sibiu. New for this student exchange was that the young people of both countries, the participated in a seminar program.

had in the first part of the exchange visit in September last year, the Brukenthalschüler the city of Burgas and the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and information from the Bulgarian history, culture, and che-Bräu obtained. The main theme of the seminar was the integration of the two neighboring countries in the European Union. Both pupils should get to know each other lergruppen while differences and find common ground for their peoples.

"Most Brukenthalschüler have been in Germany. The aim of this was replace-sches, even the neighbor to get to know-land ", competition director of the Brukenthalgymnasiums Gerold Hermann. In Romania, ha-ben, the Bulgarians, along with their Romanian-sharing partners during their seven-day stay, the pendent Sehenswür velocities of Sibiu and Transylvania explored. allocated to groups, they then had several workshops on topics such as "Culture in the mirror of consumer goods", "Youth in Bulgaria, Romania, Germany," "The image of Romania, see nia in German television" or "Bulgaria and Romania Press prepare "small reports and present.

What beautiful in Bulgaria was? "The beaches and resorts were cultivated than at home. But otherwise, in the cities, it was dirty, "said Andrei Mituca, pupil of" Bruk.

The project of the two schools should continue in the coming years.

General German newspaper, 28.04. 2005

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visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: Confirmation of the Bulgarian students to stay in Sibiu

return of the Bulgarian students
to stay in Sibiu

Note: It is these statements are the opinions of the students if they are always correct, remains superior to and open.

first The exchange gave me a whole fell

Of the 31 students have only 13 commented on the above phrase: 6x "very good", 6x "good" and 1 "satisfactory".

The other Sch. (And some of the 13) have based their rating on the 15 points program. Since not all Sch. all subjects have worked, they were also unable to give their views on the whole program.

first Exploring the City:
3x very good, well-14x, 2x satisfactory

second Discussion of the bills:
4x very good, well-8x, 5x satisfactory

third Visit to the Continental Movement:
3x very good, well-3x, 2x did not liked

4th Music-Hit: 8x
very good, good 4x

5th Romania's image on television.
very good 3x, 6x well satisf 1x, 4x not like

6th Arts and Life of Youth.
6x very good, well-2x, 3x satisf, 1x not like

7th Language Passport.
1x very good, well-6x, 2x satisf, 3x not like

8th Concert.
7x very good, well-2x, 4x satisf, 5x not like

9th Press on the Internet: (? Only 7 reviews)
2x very good, well-4x, 1x befr.

10th Analysis of newspaper reports: 6x
very good, good 4x, 2x satisfactory

11th Folk Dances:
12x very much to beautiful, well-4x, 1x not like

12th School system.
3x very good, 2 good, satisf 2x, 1x not like

13th Tower:.
3x very good, well-3x, 4x satisf, 1x not like

14th Open-Air Museum:
8x very well, 2 well

15th Carpathian trip.
5x very good, well-7x, 5x satisf, 1 do not like, not like

second In a subsequent exchange program, the following points must be re-scheduled (max. 5) state .

Exploring the City (24x), and
music hit (19 times),
folk dances (18x),
Arts and life of the Jungend (14x),
trip Carpathians (13x),
concert and open air museum (the 7x),
visit to the Continental plant and image of Romania on TV (each 6x),
Press mirror over the Internet (5x),
tower climb (4x),
discussion of the bills and school systems (2x)

third In a subsequent exchange program, the following points must not be re-scheduled (max. 5) state .

Carpathian trip (11x), Romania
image on TV (11x),
Concert (9x),
language passport and analysis of newspaper reports (according 7x),
scheduled meeting of the bills (6x),
school systems and visit the Continental plant (4 each), climbing the tower (3x),
folk dances (2x),
Arts and lives of the youth n (2x), Exploring the City (2x); Press via the Internet (1x)

4th I was particularly pleased:

* welcome the partners and families (11x called)

* ... that really are all very nice and friendly (7x called)

* the conditions of the Gastfamie were excellent

* the trips and the sights (4x) *

friendship with the rum. Students (good ratio) (4x)

* the organization (3x)

* the group work (2x)

* ... that my partner and I * developed a close relationship habenx

the group work (2x)

* the interesting and eclectic mix (2x)

* architecture

* no Boredom

the leisure

* the daily discos

* the Romanian music

* the cleanliness of the city

* the folk dances * with rum students

* ... that I got to know the culture and customs of some (3x)

* ... that My partner and I have developed a close relationship (2x)

* ... that we had free time (2x)

* ... that my partner and I went out constantly

* ... that we drove outside the city are

* ... that the Romanians have similar interests as we

* ... that I could improve my language skills and making new friends

* have ... that I am not a week went to school (LB / Teacher Notes: these students seem not to have understood that we were in school, just in the rum. partner school in another Form of teaching?)

5th Disturbed me:

* ... that we do not have enough free time, most of the day we were in school (LB: not true)

* ... that not all met the same program points

* ... that not everyone could visit the museum

* ... that some rum. Sch. not the opinion of their partner bulg. stayed, they did what they wanted (2x)

* ... that I most Romanians did not know, because I at the 1st Stage was not there

* ... that I did not sleep enough or not

* ... that the Romanians did not until the last moment, where we spend the evening

* ... that the Arts disorganized

* was ... that we are only 5 days left (2x) * the organization

(LB :???)

* the behavior of some students (2x) (LB:? = assertion, justification)

* some unnecessary hikes (LB:?, we hiked 40 minutes 1x)

* the relationship between the rum. bulg. and partners, but perhaps it is because of the different lifestyles so; (LB:? examples)

... that some people with their partners were not happy, not get on well with them have (2x) *

the concert (2x) *

the dirt on the roads

* the cellar cafes and discos, the pubs in the city

* * the structural condition of the city (destroyed roads) (LB: in Sibiu is just now being built even at present everywhere!)

* the stray dogs (2x)

are not well-planned trips

* the trip * in the Carpathians, (because the weather) *

the rainy, cold weather (12x) *

nothing (5x)

6th Romania my picture in the following Points confirmed :

* Romania is similar in many ways very Bulgaria (7x) *

polit situation as in B.

* there are problems and poverty, as in B. (3x)

* Romania is a neighboring country that is not as good (3x)

* the standard of living is a little lower than in B.

* Romania is more developed than B.

* Romania is very beautiful (2x), beautiful nature (4x) similar nature as in B.

* most young people are already thinking seriously about their future *

people believing

* are friendly people (2x)

* There are many Gypsies (2x)

* there are more Gypsies in R. (2x)

* the streets are cleaner than the taste in B.

* Mamaliga not as good

* ..., that not as in Bulgaria, the rum is quite different (2x)

* ... that the culture is different

* ... that are driven primarily Dacia in R.


7th Romania My image has changed in the following points :

* Nature is not as diverse

* the beautiful nature (2x)

* nice, warm, hospitable people, (4x)

* very good education

the appearance of cities * is better than in my mind (2x) *

the state is a little better developed (3x)

* the standard of living is lower than in B. ( 4x)

* It is not a neighboring country, but almost a second home. People live better in R.. It is cleaner and the people are environmentally conscious.

* ... that it is quite different in R.

* ... that H-town quite different from Burgas

* ... is that R. is a country with many perspectives

* ... that people are more strive for success, than I thought (high project among the young) (2x)

* ... that drivers stop at pedestrian crossing the street and you only green crosses.

* ... that there are financial penalties for not following traffic rules

* ... that in R. more to see, as I thought

* ... that there is in R. many attractions

* ... that it has not as many Gypsies are

* ... that there are more Gypsies (2x)

* ... that all the young people are very religious, that there are many churches, strong faith in God (4x)

* ... that can not entertain R.

8th What I wanted to say :

* The program was organized very well.

* It was all very good, excellent and cool (3x)

* We had trips and leisure. In Bulgaria the seminar week was exhausting.

* The goal of the exchange was, I think we all need to get to know a different world.

* By sharing, we not only found new friends, but also a lot about R..

* I liked it very much. I thank all who participated in the project.

* the project like me. I have experienced many new things for which I am very grateful.

* I have not only improved my language skills but also learned a lot.

* Apart from some unpleasant experiences, my stay was unique.

* When walking in the Carpathian Mountains, it was really cold, but it was worth it. For us it is more than usually to play in the snow in late April.

* The atmosphere at the family home was very good. (2x)

* I did not want to leave. Time passed too quickly.

* I am very grateful for the wonderful time. In the summer I'll be back.

* I would like to Sibiu or visit a hundred times.

* I want to visit Romania again.

* I will never again take part in a SA, Romania.

* I really hope I can participate in other SA projects

* I want my partner to stay in touch and once again "thank you" say

* THANK YOU! (5x), also shown that you are in spite of all obstacles to the exchange end.

* nothing (3x)

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visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: Exit


The departure of the Bulgarian student was on Saturday, 23 Clock in the morning by 7 April 2005 planned from the schoolyard. Although not forget that the departure was due, but some were awakened by their impatient students. In consequence, the departure will be delayed (20 minutes) to the Bulgarians were finally complete.

was in contrast to the departure of the Romanian students from Bulgaria, will leave a little less dramatic. Reasons could be found many, but I think it has lain in the fact that the group was a little more rested than in Burgas. Much has been viewed can be clear and everyone knew that, although the project was closed again see.

Christina Zaneva, 10g (BG)

Maria Tâmpanariu, 10.A (RO)

Samsung Camcorder Water Case

visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: A trip to the high channel (Paltinis)

trip to the high channel (Paltinis)

Friday the 22th April 2005, there was something special for everyone in the program: There is talk of a day trip on the high groove, one of the most famous winter resorts in Romania.
Although we were all warned about the bad weather, were not most of us carefully and assumed, logically, that it is not the end of April is not about snow and dressed appropriately.

After we had all met at 11:30 at the bus stop at the Thalia Hall, the students divided into two groups (the Romanians took a bus and the Bulgarians with theirs), and, accompanied by one teacher, drove off the buses. Time passed very quickly and to our surprise, we saw more and more snow through the window as we approached the destination. Once on the high groove, we learned that we are because of the cold and snow will not boot with the cable car, but that we will take a short walk through the forest. This took about an hour, a sufficiently long time to feel the winter again, but also an additional chance to get to know us better with the Bulgarians.

The original and musically sung little songs brought a cheerful mood, this had to sing a very beneficial effect: we have forgotten that we feel our hands and feet barely could. Others, however, used the white splendor for a snowball fight.

Then we went back to Sibiu and had the whole day off.

This extraordinary experience has made us much fun and in our opinion, much better than sitting in a chair in any building where the lack of fresh air and relaxing nature.

Sofia Stojanovna, 10b (BG)

Cristina Rotaru, 10.c (RO)

Will Insurance Cover Std Testing

visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: the image of Romania in the German Television 4

The image of Romania in German TV 4

Thursday, 21 April 2005, saw the Brukenthalschüler Class 10a with their Bulgarian partners two films about the minorities in Romania.

The first film was about the Roma from Romania. The King of the Roma, Cioaba, told about the situation of this minority. To show the life of the king, you have shown the wedding of his daughter. Although she is a minor, she married an older man and then one has not complied with the international human rights. Showing. such as the Roma are from Romania to their old traditions. It was also shown other Roma families who are very poor, but still not want to improve their lifestyle. The students then discussed whether to change with

entry into the EU something. All responded that the Roma from Bulgaria and Romania, their lifestyle and traditions are not giving up. Nevertheless, they are part of a large minority in both countries.

The second film was about the different minorities living in the area of the Danube Delta. It has previously shown the ruins of the ancient Greek settlements and the Black Sea coast. Then we presented the various animal and plant species living in this region. Most fishermen are Lipovans. They come from Russia and are two centuries ago hergewandert because they were persecuted religious. As it fished during the communist era a lot, there are few fish species. Therefore, the more Lipovans living from agriculture. In this area live many Arumänen. They are from the north of Greece and deal with livestock. Their children deal with the animals because they do not want to forget the old ways.

the end, all students have answered questions on topics from the film. There were general questions that were used, that the Bulgarian students retain something of the Romanian minorities. In conclusion, all had to figure out how the picture looks like Romania in Germany.
The Romanian students claimed that the overall picture is negative. Nevertheless, it has agreed that the movies are in fact the truth.

For many students it was very interesting because they have learned something new about some of the minorities in Romania. Many were also impressed by the beauty of the Danube Delta. We were also impressed that there are similarities between the Roma in both countries and both countries have a big problem with their minorities. We think Bulgaria and Romania must solve these problems in order to join the EU.

Martin Iankov 10e (BG)

Dorin Rosca, 10a (RO)

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visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: The image of Romania in the German TV 3

image of Romania in the German TV 3

After a brief outlook on the Council Tower Sibiu, we went back into the classrooms so that we can continue with our program. On Thursday, 21 April 2005 was, in our group made a film screening, which took place in the media room of the Brukenthal school.

Since the problem of the Roma minority, both in Bulgaria and in Romania to date, we have decided the film with Cioaba, the international "King of the Roma" to see.
was interesting the difference between the gypsies who live in a city and those in the countryside. to the recognition of the city Cioaba as rightful king, he defends their rights and advocates for them. The Gypsies from the village, however do not accept him because he gives them no support and find no reference to his politics.

After the five-minute film provoked a discussion in which each represented his opinion about this movie or this problem. Thus, we have also learned that the Bulgarian Roma Lately founded his own party and that they already have a representative in Parliament. In contrast to the Bulgarian Roma, Romania's have a long time ago founded his own party.

quickly became clear to us that both Romanian or Bulgarian Gypsies have the same mentality and that is a problem in the current developing society. Both minorities require a lot of money from the state, although they do not want to work to even earn money.
urged Since the time we started with the second theme: the steam train from the Wassertal. This valley is located in Maramureschgebiet and the only source of income for residents is wood. The railroad is used to transport the wood from the mountains down into the valley. Two locks are used on this route, Cozia 1 and second Cozia

were amazing the numbers that were called to make a train ride 20 km, that is 3,000 liters of water and 15 cubic meters of wood. There are often accidents happen, for example, is either a rotten tree on the track or a train derailed, but that's part of everyday life, because the trains are already being used since 1933.
was interesting to see, that using the brakes and Lockführer pipes as a communication tool.

We did not see the whole movie, because he took too long. This was followed by a quiet evening and an extended night.

Razvan Sandru, 10.B (RO)

Metodi MILUSHEV, 10g (BG)

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visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: Romania's image in the German television 2

The image of Romania in the German television 2

We are on Wednesday (A and B class) taken in the media room and took a look at a movie on Romania. The theme was "The image of Romania in the German television". The film was shot in 2002, and reflected the image of Romania by only three places: against Bucharest, Sibiu and Timisoara. It was raised very much the communist government and have been shown almost no positive side of Romania.

The presentation was generally objective, but were shown scenes that are not necessarily representative for Romania (eg gypsies). The theme was quite interesting. The Bulgarian students could learn a lot about the past, Romania and the Romanian students have learned and unknown details.

The selected locations are representative of Romania, Bucharest as its capital, Sibiu - the German culture and Western as a city of Timisoara. The targeted individuals were in our opinion, the right choice. There was an actor and two mayors.

The film took about 45 minutes that all pupils were very pleasant. In the film, two false information put: there is no German Opera in Timisoara, Romania also was not the last European country with a communist government.

Then we listened to a part of the "Romanian Rhapsody by George Enescu.

Stoyan Todorov 10w (BG)

Mituca Andrei, 10.A (RO)

Lorna Morgan - Movies

visit of Bulgarian students in Romania: Romania's image in the German television


Tuesday, 19 April and the second day of the school project we had on the image of Romania in the German-speaking television. Only from a movie can be very difficult to make an opinion about a country. Nevertheless, various aspects of life objectively shown by some TV channels. The basis of my report is based on the 2 movies about Romania, which were shown on German-language channels.

First, we have seen a film about the Germans in Romania. It was produced in 1974 and last year in the ZDF broadcast "30 years ago" is sent.
The Germans in Romania were and are a significant minority, but after the turn of 1989 reduced the number of these, as many emigrated to Germany. In the movie "Sweet Home Transylvania, for whom?" The Saxons were presented from Bistriz, Neudorf, Brasov, Sibiu Heltau and, of course. These dealt with Agriculture and livestock but also through cultural activities. They brought the culture of the West to Transylvania and have contributed to the development of this area. At the same time they remained of their culture, the manners, customs and religion are true and therefore a living history of Transylvania. Many wanted by the Saxons in Romania, but to be exiled to Germany. But that was only a dream until 1989. They called Germany "Up there in the kingdom" but in spite of the communist regime that community lived in peace with the Romanians and Hungarians, trying to maintain their identity as a nation.

In the second film the story of two street children from Romania is said and the reality of the early years is shown after the revolution. A 17-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl to have a child and try to live a good life and to create a future for their children without difficulty. Despite her hard life at the Bucharest train station, they lose hope and not found in other settings. Life is presented objectively and in this case.

Vlad Grapa 10th D (RO)